The Lindsey Lab uses the zebrafish model to understand how lifelong neural stem cell populations contribute to nervous system development, stem cell niche maintenance, and repair. JOIN OUR TEAM
Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) positive zebrafish larvae in their chorion in a petri dish A NEW APPROACH
The zebrafish is a champion of nervous system regeneration. Our goal is to unlock these clues and develop novel methods to treat human patients with neurotrauma and neurodegenerative disease. VIEW OUR PUBLICATIONS
Cross-section of adult zebrafish forebrain studied using immuno correlative light and electron microscopy where stem cell populations are fluorescently labelled. CONNECTING NEURONS WITH ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR Adult neurogenesis is widespread throughout the zebrafish brain. We are interested in the functional significance of these neurons and how they are connected with behaviour and environmental stimuli. OUR TRAINING ENVIRONMENT

Laboratory of Neural Stem Cell Plasticity & Regeneration

Neural stem cells are the fundamental building blocks of the vertebrate nervous system. But we now know the potential of these cells are much more! The discovery that populations of neural stem cells persist lifelong in ‘neurogenic niches’ of the CNS to produce newborn neurons has given rise to the fascinating field of adult neurogenesis. This relatively young field has progressed at a rapid pace, and along the way, taught us many lessons in the cellular composition of the vertebrate neurogenic niche, the cellular behavior and molecular control of neural stem cell populations, and most recently, the heterogeneous nature of neural stem cell populations.

The realization that neural stem cell populations are highly diverse across the CNS has proposed that distinct populations may serve different roles in tissue maintenance, learning, and repair. The research focus of the Lindsey Lab is to understand the context-dependent behaviour and regulation of distinct neural stem cell populations from birth to senescence, with learning and environmental interactions, and during the regenerative process following injury or with neurodegenerative disease. To achieve this goal, we take advantage of the highly neurogenic and highly regenerative zebrafish model.

Learn more about the Lindsey Lab’s individual research themes: maturation of the stem cell niche, plasticity and animal behaviour, and neural stem cells and repair.

The University of Manitoba

Outside view of the Brodie Centre at the University of Manitoba Rady Faculty of Health Sciences in the Spring

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Founded in 1877, the University of Manitoba has a rich history in research discovery and innovation, and teaching excellence. Located in the heart of Canada, the University of Manitoba is home to internationally renowned research, and leading Canadian health professional programs.

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